锦绣中华微缩景区占地 30 万平方米,是中国五千年历史文化和九百六十万平方公里锦绣河山的荟萃和缩影,也是目前世界上面积最大的实景微缩景区,景点均按中国版图位置分布复制,错落于景区内的五万多个栩栩如生的陶艺小人和动物,生动地再现了中国多民族国家风格迥异的建筑、生活习俗和风土人情;该景区堪称中国园林艺术的典范;以“一步迈进历史,一日锦绣中华”的恢宏气势被誉为“开中国人造景观之先河”的杰作。
中国民俗文化村占地 20 多万平方米,是中国第一个荟萃各民族民间艺术、民俗风情和民居建筑于一园的大型文化旅游景区。通过民族风情表演、民间手工艺展示、定期举办大型民间节庆活动,多角度、多侧面地展示出我国各民族原汁原味、丰富多彩的民风民情和民俗文化,让游客充分感受中华民族的灵魂和魅力。晚上欣赏大型歌舞表演“东方霓裳”和“龙凤舞中华”等(具体表演安排以景区安排为准)。
13:45 酒店正门大堂集合(请午餐后出发或提前出发午餐自理)
14:00 出发,车程10分钟,前往南山区华侨城,沿深圳最著名道路——深南大道西行,沿途欣赏福田新区新况。
14:20 深圳锦绣中华深圳民俗文化村景区(游览旅程2-3小时)。体验和经历“一步迈进历史,一天游遍中国”和“纵览五千年文化,荟萃八万里风情”的神奇和惊喜。
18:00 园内晚餐——烧鹅风味(旅游团餐) 时间40分钟-1个小时
19:30 欣赏大型恢弘表演——《龙凤舞中华》 时间1个小时
20:40 景区集合,乘车返回酒店。
It is the micro version of the scenic spots over China. In the park, about 100 scenic spots are distributed according to the territory of China and the whole park looks like a large map of China. Although, in terms of accuracy, they cannot compare with the actual scenic s, in a range of tens of footsteps, you can feel the solemn and majestic Ming Tombs and the smooth Lijang Landscape like poem and picture, look with reverence the grand Potala Palace at the highest altitude, experience the steep, tall and straight Yangtze River Three Gorges, look up to the largest figure of Buddha-Leshan Giant Buddha and feasts eyes on the longest grotto gallery-the Dunhuang Mogao Caves, etc. In a small area, you can see everything of the whole China, conveniently and fantastically. The Chinese Folk Culture Village that is separate from Splendid China with a wall has gathered the architecture styles of the 56 ethnic groups in China. One ethnic group has one village, which is unique from another. In the village, at any time, you can see different ethnic performances free of charge by real performers of every ethnic group. You can feel the original traditional folk flavors. In particular, Oriental Rainbow-colored Costumes at the central theater in the afternoon and Dancing with the Dragon and Phoenix in the Phoenix Theater in the evening are the most wonderful. Opening Hours: 9:00--21:00
Itinerary (HALF DAY):
13:30 Meet the group hotel Lobby
13:50 Trsf to Splendid of China.(30 mins to get there)
14:20 Arrivel at Splendid of China. The guide will take you sighseeing there
17:00 Dancing Show Oriental Apparel
18:00 Dinner time
19:30 Show time Dancing with Dragon & Phoenix
20:40 Back to the hotel
21:00 Arrival to the hotel